Henry Watkins Allen
Born: Farmville, VA
Died: Mexico, April 22, 1866
Joseph Reid Anderson
Born: Botetourt Country, VA February 6, 1813
Died: Richmond, VA September 7, 1892
Samuel Read Anderson
Born: Bedford County VA February 17, 1804
Died: Nashville Tenn. January 2, 1883
Turner Ashby
Born: Fauquier County, VA October 23, 1928
Died: Harrisonburg, VA June 6, 1862
Seth Maxwell Barton
Born: Fredericksburg, VA September 8, 1829
Died: Washington D. C. April 11, 1900
Richard Lee Turberville Beale
Born: Westmoreland, VA May 22, 1819
Died: Hague, VA April 21, 1893
William Lewis Cabell
Born: Danville, VA January 1, 1827
Died: Dallas Texas February 22, 1911
James Ronald Chalmers
Born: Halifax County VA January 11, 1831
Died: Memphis, Tenn. April 9, 1898
John Randolph Chambliss, Jr.
Born: Greenville County VA January 13, 1833
Died: White Tavern, VA August 16, 1864
Robert Hall Chilton
Born: Loudon County, VA February 25, 1815
Died: Columbus, Georgia February 18, 1879
Philip St. George Cocke
Born: Fluvanna County, VA April 17, 1809
Died: Fluvanna County, VA December 26, 1861
Montgomery Dent Corse
Born: Alexandria, VA March 14, 1816
Died: Alexandria, VA February 11, 1895
William Geory Mackey Davis
Born: Portsmouth, VA May 9, 1812
Died: Alexandria, VA March 11, 1898
James Dearing
Born: Campbell County, VA April 25, 1840
Died: Lynchburg, VA April 23, 1894
Jubal Anderson Early
Born: Franklin County, VA November 3, 1816
Died: Lynchburg, VA March 2, 1894
John Echols
Born: Lynchburg, VA March 20, 1823
Died: Staunton, VA May 24, 1896
John Buchanan Floyd
Born: Montgomery County, VA June 1, 1806
Died: Abingdon, VA August 26, 1863
Birkett Davenport Fry
Born: Kanawha County (West) VA June 24, 1822
Died: Richmond, VA January 21, 1891
Samuel Garland, Jr.
Born: Lynchburg, VA December 16, 1830
Died: South Mountain, Maryland September 14, 1862
Richard Brooke Garnett
Born: Essex County, VA November 21, 1817
Died: Gettysburg, PA July 3, 1863
Robert Selden Garnett
Born: Essex County, VA December 16, 1819
Died: Corricks Ford (West) VA July 13, 1861
Archibald Campbell Godwin
Born: Nansemond County, VA 1831
Died: Winchester, VA September 19, 1864
James Monroe Goggin
Born: Bedford County, VA October 23, 1820
Died: Austin Texas October 10, 1889
Martin Edwin Green
Born: Fauquier County, VA June 3, 1815
Died: Champion Hill Mississippi June 27, 1863
Edward Higgins
Born: Norfolk, VA 1821
Died: San Francisco, CA January 31, 1875
William Young Conn Humes
Born: Abingdon, VA May 1, 1830
Died: Huntsville, Alabama September 11, 1882
Eppa Hunton
Born: Fauquier County, VA September 22, 1822
Died: Richmond, VA October 11, 1908
William Lowther Jackson
Born: Clarksburg, (West) VA February 3, 1825
Died: Louisville, Kentucky March 24, 1890
Albert Gallatin Jenkins
Born: Cabell County (West) VA November 10, 1830
Died: Cloyd Mountain, (West) VA May 21, 1864
John Marshall Jones
Born: Charlottesville, VA July 26, 1820
Died: Wilderness, VA May 5, 1865
John Robert Jones
Born: Harrisonburg, VA March 12, 1827
Died: Harrisonburg, VA April 1, 1901
William Edmondson Jones
Born: Washington County, VA May 9, 1824
Died: Augusta County, VA June 5, 1864
Thomas Jordan
Born: Luray, VA September 30, 1819
Died: New York City, NY. November 27, 1895
James Lawson Kemper
Born: Madison County, VA June 11, 1825
Died: Orange County, Va April 7, 1895
James Henry Lane
Born: Mathews County, Va July 28, 1833
Died: Auburn, Alabama September 21 1907
Edwin Gray Lee
Born: Alexandria, VA May 27, 1836
Died: Yellow Sulphur Springs, VA August 25, 1870
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Robert Doak Lilly
Born: Augusta County, VA January 28, 1836
Died: Richmond, VA November 12, 1886
Armistead Lindsay Long
Born: Campbell County, VA September 3, 1825
Died: Charlottesville, VA April 29, 1891
Hugh Weedon Mercer
Born: Fredericksburg, VA November 27, 1808
Died: Baden Baden, Germany September 18, 1866
Young Marshall Moody
Born: Chesterfield, VA December 20, 1807
Died: New Orleans, LA September 18, 1866
Richard Lucian Page
Born: Clarke County, VA May 21, 1812
Died: Blue ridge Summit, PA August 9, 1901
Mosby Monroe Parsons
Born: Charlottesville, VA May 21, 1822
Died: Mexico, August 15, 1865
Elisha Franklin Paxton
Born: Rockbridge County, VA March 4, 1824
Died: Chancellorsville, VA May 3, 1863
William Henry Fitzhugh Payne
Born: Fauquier County, VA January 27, 1830
Died: Washington D. C. March 29, 1904
John Pegram
Born: Petersburg, VA January 24, 1832
Died: Dinwiddie County, VA February 6, 1865
William Nelson Pendleton
Born: Richmond, VA December 26, 1809
Died: Lexington, VA January 15, 1883
Roger Atkinson Pryor
Born: Petersburg, VA July 19, 1828
Died: New York, NY March 14, 1919
William Andrew Quarles
Born: Jamestown, VA July 4, 1825
Died: Todd County, Kentucky December 28, 1893
George Wythe Randolph
Born: Charlottesville (Monticello), VA March 10, 1818
Died: Charlottesville, VA April 3, 1867
Alexander Welch Reynolds
Born: Clarke County, VA April 1816
Died: Alexandria, VA May 26, 1876
Beverly Holcombe Robertson
Born: Amelia County, VA June 5, 1827
Died: Washington D. C. December 12, 1910
Thomas Lefayette Rosser
Born: Campbell County, VA October 15, 1836
Died: Charlottesville, VA March 29, 1910
Albert Rust
Born: Fauquier County, VA 1818
Died: Little Rock, Arkansas April 4, 1870
James Edwin Slaughter
Born: Cedar Mountain, VA June 1827
Died: Mexico City, Mexico January 1, 1901
Peter Burwell Starke
Born: Brunswick County, VA 1814
Died: Lawrenceville, VA July 13, 1888
William Edwin Starke
Born: Brunswick County, VA 1814
Died: Antietam, Maryland September 17, 1862
William Booth Taliaferro
Born: Gloucester County, VA December 28, 1822
Died: Gloucester County, VA February 27, 1898
James Barbour Terrill
Born: Bath County, VA February 20, 1838
Died: Hanover County, VA May 30, 1864
William Terry
Born: Amherst County, VA August 14, 1824
Died: Wytheville, VA September 5, 1888
William Richard Terry
Born: Bedford County, VA March 12, 1827
Died: Chesterfield County, VA March 28, 1897
Isaac Ridgeway Trimble
Born: Culpeper County, VA May 15, 1802
Died Baltimore, Maryland January 2, 1888
Alfred Jefferson Vaughan, Jr.
Born: Dinwiddie County, VA May 10, 1830
Died: Indianapolis, Indiana October 1, 1899
Henry Harrison Walker
Born: Sussex County, VA October 15, 1832
Died: Morristown, New Jersey March 22, 1912
James Alexander Walker
Born: Augusta County, VA August 27, 1832
Died: Wytheville, VA October 20, 1901
Reuben Lindsay Walker
Born: Albemarle County, VA May 29, 1827
Died: Fluvanna County, VA June 17, 1890
Edward Cary Walthall
Born: Richmond, VA April 4, 1831
Died: Washington D. C. April 21, 1898
David Addison Weisiger
Born: Chesterfield, VA December 23, 1818
Died: Richmond, VA February 23, 1899
Gabriel Colvin Wharton
Born: Culpeper County, VA July 23, 1824
Died: Radford, Va. May 12, 1906
William Carter Wickham
Born: Richmond, VA September 21, 1820
Died: Richmond, VA July 25, 1888
Henry Alexander Wise
Born: Accomac County, VA December 3, 1806
Died: Richmond, VA September 12, 1876
Jones Mitchell Withers
Born: Madison County, VA January 12, 1814
Died: Mobile, Alabama March 13, 1890
*Alexander Watkins Terrell
Born: Patrick County, VA November 3, 1827
Died: Mineral Wells, Texas September 9, 1912
Virginia was the birth place of 91 Confederate Generals
Total number that served the Confederacy was 490
Brigadier Generals 72 out of 383
Lieutenant Generals 3 out of 18
Information provided by Fred Chiesa
Thomas Green
Born: Amelia County, Va January 8, 1814
Died: Sabine Parish, LA April 12, 1864
Henry Heth
Born: Chesterfield County, VA December 16, 1825
Died: Washington D. C. Sept 27, 1899
John Daniel Imboden
Born: Staunton, VA February 16, 1823
Died: Washington County, VA August 15, 1895
Edward Johnson
Born: Midlothian County, VA April 16, 1816
Died: Richmond, VA February 2, 1873
Samuel Jones
Born: Powhatan County, VA December 17, 1819
Died: Bedford Springs, VA July 7, 1887
Fitzhugh Lee
Born: Alexandria, VA November 19, 1835
Died: Washington D. C. April 28, 1905
George Washington Custis Lee
Born: Fort Monroe, VA September 16, 1832
Died: Alexandria, VA February 18, 1913
William Henry Fitzhugh Lee
Born: Arlington, VA May 31, 1837
Died: Alexandria, VA October 15, 1891
William Mahone
Born: Southampton County, VA December 1, 1826
Died: Washington D. C. October 8, 1895
Dabney Herndon Maury
Born: Fredericksburg, VA May 21, 1822
Died: Peoria, Illinois January 11, 1900
George Edward Pickett
Born: Richmond, VA January 16, 1825
Died: Norfolk, VA July 30, 1875
Sterling Price
Born: Prince Edward County, VA September 20, 1809
Died: St. Louis Missouri September 29, 1919
Robert Emmett Rodes
Born: Lynchburg, VA March 29, 1829
Died: Winchester, VA September 19, 1864
William Smith
Born: King George County, VA sept 6, 1779
Died: Warrenton, VA May 18, 1887
Carter Little Page Stevenson
Born: Fredericksburg, VA September 20, 1817
Died: Caroline County, VA August 15, 1888
James Ewell Brown Stuart
Born: Patrick County, VA February 6, 1833
Died: Richmond, VA May 12, 1864
Ambrose Powell Hill
Born: Culpeper, VA November 9, 1825
Died: Petersburg, VA April 2, 1865
Thomas Jonathan Jackson
Born: Clarksburg, (West) VA January 21, 1824
Died: Guiney’s Station, VA May 10, 1863
John Bankhead Magruder
Born: Port Royal, VA May 1, 1807
Died: Houston, Texas February 18, 1871
Joseph Eggleston Johnston Robert Edward Lee
Born: Farmville, VA February 3, 1807 Born: Westmoreland, County, VA January 19, 1807
Died: Washington D. C. March 21, 1891 Died: Lexington, VA October 12, 1870
Robert Edward Lee
Born: Westmoreland, County, VA January 19, 1807
Died: Lexington, VA October 12, 1870
Lee was the only officer appointed to this position, which was created late in the war by the Congress of the Confederate States on January 23, 1865, but it had been debated as early as February 27, 1862. President Jefferson Davis voiced his rejection and veto the creation this position to the congress on March 14, 1862.
Believing that such a general could “command an arm or armies without the will of the President.” Davis performed the responsibilities of General-in-Chief himself throughout the war, acting as both a military operations manager and Commander-in-Chief.
On January 23, 1865, Confederate Congress appointed Lee as General in Chief and on February 6, 1865, Adjutant and Inspector General Samuel Cooper issued General Order #3, which announced Robert E. Lee as General in Chief of the Army.